Public goods are directly correlated with economic well
being, prosperity, and peace. Countries, mostly developed, having superior
public goods in place are better off compared with others and provide welfare
to their citizen.
Economic definition qualifies any good, which is
non-excludable and non-rivalrous, as a public good. Non-excludability can be
explained by inability to prevent non payers from enjoying the benefits of the
goods. Non-rivalrous can be said in place when one person’s enjoyment doesn’t
come from other person’s expense. When a country provides public good such as
defence or economic stability every citizen of that country, including those
who haven’t contributed in formation of public good, enjoy the benefit and no
one is deprived of the public goods put in place. Sometimes fear and not the benevolence drive the provision
of the public good. Take an example of CDC- Centers for disease control and prevention,
whose existence came in picture due to fear of the pandemic diseases. CDC
strives hard to prevent diseases’ negative spill over effects. Endemic occurs
due to many scientific reasons and once it starts spreading, it almost becomes
non-excludable and non-rivalrous.
A trend called
globalization, which started at the early onset of this century, has increased
interdependency among international nations.
This interdependency has both negative as well as positive effects. An
increased air travel network has contributed significantly in global trade.
Public goods such as Internet, Financial stability, commercial integration or
knowledge promotion has created a new category, which is known as International
public goods.
Global interdependence has generated few negative effects as
well. Increased international mobility has increased the risk of contagion in
case of deadly diseases. We have witnessed many International Public Bad, which
is symmetry to public goods, such as spread of H1N1, Influenza, in the past.
A recent outbreak of EBOLA in Sub-Saharan Africa is a latest
public bad, giving nightmares to global arena. Found in 1976 in Sudan, Ebola virus Disease
(EVD) is member of the Zaire ebolavirus species. This virus is behind
largest number of EBOLA outbreaks and is the most deadly Ebola causing virus.
Research has established bats as most likely natural reservoir of EBOLA Virus
(EBOV). Transmission of EBOV between natural reservoir and humans is rare thus
making the traceability bit difficult. Generally, transmissions are traced back
to a single case where an individual handled the carcass of gorilla, chimpanzee
or duiker,
which might have fed on partially eaten fruit or pulp dropped by bats.
Bush meat, meat derived from terrestrial wild animals such
as apes, is very popular in Sub-Saharan Countries. Consumers and suppliers of
the bush meat market might not have thought in their wildest dream that their
transaction would create such a dreadful negative externality. Externalities
arises whenever action of one economic agent, in this case meat seller, make
bystanders worse off, in this case EVD affected people. WHO and CDC, public
goods body, are taking desperate measures to contain and defeat EVD in Africa. Guinea, Liberia,
and Sierra Leone
where almost 1600 people succumbed to EVD till date are trying solutions of
medieval ages. Mass quarantine, border lockdown, which were last seen in some
Hollywood apocalypse movies have caught human frenzy.
Sierra Leone’s proposed country wide lockdown for 4 days has
created huge uproar and posed questions on administrations ability to tame EVD.
Opponents of local governments’ frantic measures are arguing that governments’
lack of resources to provide essential public goods such as disease awareness,
public sanitation system, functional hospitals have forced government to opt
for such inhuman decisions.
As Arrow realized (1971: 137), “when the market can’t manage
to establish an optimum situation, society will, at least to some extent,
become aware of the shortages, and other social institutions, outside the
market, will emerge to try to fix them.” Developed countries have started
pouring in resources to develop vaccine to fight EVD. Teams of expert doctors
and nurses from international public bodies such as WHO, CDC, and MSF are
fighting together on ground zero to defeat this public bad.
A section of society is
accusing international bodies to be responsible for current outbreak. WHO, CDC
are being blamed for being hand in glove with major pharmaceutical firms.
International bodies’ commitment towards provision of preventive measures such
as improved sanitation system, clean water distribution system, disease control
mechanism has been not much encouraging. Why world has woken up suddenly with a
dire need to contain EVD? Why afflicted nations did not put their healthcare
system in order and brought entire world to the edge of a pandemic? The answers
lie in public goods aggregation technology (Hirshleifer 1983; Cornes and
Sandler 1984; 1996; Kanbur, Sandler and Morrison 1999; Kanbur 2001; Sandler
1997; 1998). Aggregation technology states that contributors’ incentive
determines the overall supply of a public good.
Current scenario of EVD
outbreak very well depicts the supply of public goods by weakest link. Where
public goods are supplied by weakest link, the smallest effort or contribution
fixes the effective provision level. Contributions beyond this smallest level
use resources without increasing provision. As a consequence, contributors will
match the smallest contribution level. With weakest link public goods, there
are no incentives to free ride since the effective provision level is zero.
This is the case with the risk of contagious diseases such as EVD. Probability
of an endemic outbreak, to take place, is subjective to the healthcare situation of host
country. The country, such as any Sub-Saharan country, having weakest
healthcare infrastructure, can easily become a focal point of infection from
which the disease can spread to the rest of the world. The supply chain of this
public good critically depends on its weakest point. Tremendous amount of
relief provided by international public bodies and developed countries are
turning less effective due to host nation’s negligible contribution towards healthcare
infrastructure. This is evident by lack of, labs and clinics containing bio safety level-4, which meets CDC’s
mandatory requirement to handle cases of EVD.
In epidemiology,
the basic reproduction number (denoted as R0, r
nought) of an infection can be thought of as the number of cases one
case generates over the course of its infectious period, in an otherwise uninfected
population. Generally, higher R0 defines higher possibility of
contagion. As EBOV transmits through bodily fluids, only, it has a R0 varying
between 1 and 4. As heuristic, 1-(1/ R0) percentage of people needs
to be vaccinated to prevent sustained spread of epidemic. In the case of EVD,
75% of the population of afflicted country needs to be vaccinated immediately.
Development of Vaccine for EVD depicts the concept of better shot public goods.
In current scenario aggregate level of provision of public good (Vaccine
development) is determined solely by the largest single contributor. Trial
drugs such as ZMapp and TKM-EBOLA are being developed by powerful
pharmaceutical firms located in USA and Canada, which have high technology and
monetary fund at their disposal.
The development of
successful vaccine will be preceded by human trials and mass manufacturing. It
will take months for vaccine to be available on ground zero. Looking at EVD’s
contagious effect everyone around the globe seems to be hell-bent to tame this
international public bad at any cost. Developed countries are coming forward
with all the aid they can provide to assist affected countries in this
difficult time. If we leave aside problems pertaining to principle and agent,
we have learned a vital lesson from this calamity; it is always desirable and
economical to strengthen the weakest link of the system instead of providing a
big shot of remedy later on.
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